Branding Agency | Golden Mean Advertising Agency

How a human-centered brand design can revolutionize the success of a brand and overall market

In the journey of Brand Design, every aspect of design communication holds a place of prime importance and becomes the face value of the brand, especially in the fast-moving consumer market   Being from a school of advertising, I feel the whole exercise of developing a successful Brand Design is a combination of paying attention […]

Memorable Year | Golden Mean | Advertising Agency | Mumbai

Build a Memorable Year ahead!

Memories are always described as an unforgettable moment of our past which stays with us for longer period of time. Memories emerge unexpectedly, like old friends returning home, bringing with them a flood of emotions and reflections. They are those stored moments, which spontaneously pops up in our mind, unocassionally or unintentionally, and also many […]


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In the world of creativity and artistic expression, innovation is the driving force that pushes boundaries and creates something truly remarkable. This Ganeshotsav, our creative agency began a journey of Generative Art, to pay homage to Lord Ganesha in a truly unique way. Lord Ganesha, the god of beginnings, is revered at the onset of […]

Happiness | Branding | Mumbai Based Advertising Agency | Golden Mean

Happiness Is A Thrill

An idea to live in the ‘present moment’ makes us feel complete and brings excitement & Happiness to most of us in a profound way. It’s an opportunity to understand ourselves, our truest feelings, our emotions & thoughts, and it gives us the confidence to live to the fullest. A Story of living in the […]

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